Viare blog

How to engage users for eCommerce success

Written by The team at Viare | April 2, 2024

eStar product manager Nazeef Khan discusses how to boost eCommerce brilliance by engaging users for platform success.

The eCommerce landscape thrives on a well-oiled machine – a platform that empowers businesses to reach consumers and a supplier who keeps that platform finely tuned. 

However, simply providing the tools isn't enough. To truly optimise the eCommerce experience, great vendors must delve deeper and understand how clients interact with the platform. This is where user engagement comes in – a powerful approach that allows suppliers to observe real-world workflows and identify areas where the system can be a champion, or inadvertently become a hurdle, in achieving client goals.

User engagement: A Window into User Workflows

User engagement goes beyond traditional data analysis and should include working directly with brands and businesses to achieve continued growth. It's about embedding yourself within the client team, observing them navigate the platform for tasks like:

  • Product Listing: Witnessing first-hand how users create and manage product listings sheds light on potential roadblocks. Are there cumbersome steps slowing down the process? Does the interface hinder the creation of compelling product descriptions?
  • Order Fulfilment: Observing the order fulfilment process can reveal hidden inefficiencies. Are there delays caused by unintuitive navigation within the platform? Can automation tools be implemented to streamline the process?
  • Customer Service Interactions: Shadowing customer service teams can uncover unexpected challenges. Does the platform provide easy access to relevant customer information? Are there features missing that would facilitate smoother communication with customers?

By observing these interactions, suppliers can empathise and gain a deeper understanding of how users navigate the platform and achieve, or struggle to achieve their goals. Imagine observing a team struggling to optimise product listings for search engines due to a clunky interface. This first-hand experience illuminates the user's goal, for example, better SEO, and the platform element hindering its achievement such as an unfriendly interface.

From Observation to Action: Optimising the User Journey

The true value of user engagement lies in translating observations into actionable insights:

  • User-Centric Feature Development: User interactions reveal the specific challenges users face in achieving their goals. Suppliers can then prioritize feature development based on these real-world needs. This could involve simplifying product listing creation tools or developing features that streamline communication with customers.
  • Targeted Training and Support: Suppliers can identify areas where users require additional training. This could lead to the creation of targeted video tutorials addressing common pain points or personalized workshops focused on specific user roles within the client team.
  • Data with Context: in depth user interaction enriches data analysis by providing context. By understanding user workflows, suppliers can interpret user data with greater clarity. Click-through rates on product listings, for example, become more meaningful when paired with the knowledge of how users navigate the platform to create listings. This enriches insights and allows for more targeted platform improvements.

Beyond Efficiency: A Collaborative Win-Win

User engagement fosters a collaborative environment that benefits both suppliers and clients:

  • Increased Client Satisfaction: Observing user workflows allows for the development of a platform that truly empowers clients to achieve their goals. This translates to increased client satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Enhanced User Experience: When the platform becomes an ally in achieving goals, the entire user experience improves. Tasks become more efficient, communication flows smoothly, and ultimately, customers benefit from a more seamless shopping experience.
  • Fuelling Innovation: By observing user behaviour and understanding their struggles, suppliers can develop features that address previously unforeseen challenges. This co-creation approach fosters continuous platform evolution that caters to the ever-changing needs of the eCommerce landscape.

A Continuous Feedback Loop

User engagement should be an ongoing process, creating a continuous feedback loop between suppliers and clients. By actively observing user workflows and understanding how the system aids or hinders them, suppliers can continually refine the platform. This user-centric approach ensures that the platform remains a powerful tool, empowering businesses to deliver exceptional customer experiences and drive success in the ever-evolving world of eCommerce.